I will remember Curtis as a man of great power because of the humility, compassion and perseverance he demonstrated.
The first time I met Curtis, he welcomed me as drummer into a new church, in a new state, as a new follower of Christ. Hearing Curtis play his guitar, even without other instruments accompanying him, I could tell that he was a professional. I felt his genuine warmth and excitement about music and Christ immediately upon playing the first song together.
As a young, new minister for Christ, with razor-sharp edges from my Nation of Islam days, I always feared being misunderstood and I felt like an outsider. Curtis was one of many who encouraged me and listened to me - not just from the pulpit, but wherever we happened to be. He showed me that he cared for me. He felt for me, for where I was in life - compassion.
I never heard Curtis complain about anything. I never heard Curtis say anything negative about anyone. Even in stressful, trying situations with people, I witnessed Curtis approach people with courtesy, humility and possible solutions. I see Curtis as a wise man because he listened far more than he spoke.
I watched and paid close attention to how Curtis treated his wife, Mama Judy Price. From what I witnessed, Curtis loved his wife. The last time I saw Curtis, I could tell that Mama Judy respected and loved him.
When we recorded ITNOJ: The Suffering, almost ten years ago, I never knew that the song would impact me so deeply. I witnessed Curtis persevere through the pain and suffering of cancer, while holding to his faith in Christ. I witnessed Mama Judy persevere as well while caring for Curtis. When I listen to ITNOJ: The Suffering now, I hear the hope and the perseverance in the faith in the key change that Curtis plays on his guitar. The ending is bittersweet, like the end of the song - the last slowed beats of the heart and one last breath, then rest.
Curtis is my friend. When we made music together, it was like we were witnessing something so awesome. We connected faster and deeper than I think we would have any other way. The music we made was beyond us and we always give God the glory for allowing us to be a part of this piece of His plan. I will miss my friend.
In The Name Of Jesus, The Suffering is no more for Curtis Price. Enjoy your Closer Walk with Jesus, my friend.
Before we recorded this song in the studio in Salt Lake City, Utah, Curtis Price (lead guitar), John White (bass guitar) and I had a several Sunday afternoon "jam sessions" (like we always did). It was nothing for the three of us to stay after church and keep playing until someone would come and tell us that they were locking the church. This "remix version" of ITNOJ came out of one of those jam sessions.
As I recall, John started this bass line that was just so moving to me and Curtis started "freestyling" on guitar with the first notes you here. Curtis and John allowed me to develop the song on the spot. That was one of the great things about making music with these two guys. They are two of the humblest guys that I have ever met, and they would allow me to lead and direct them during my spontaneous creative moments.
Anyway, from what they were playing, I could hear elements of ITNOJ that were more painful. The way Curtis played the guitar over John's bass, It was almost like the song was crying. So, I started playing the drums in a way to emphasize more drama, intensity and passion. We decided to name this song ITNOJ: The Suffering to reflect the suffering of the Cross of Christ.
The Upper Room: A Gospel Jazz Band
Faith Walk
The Upper Room: A Gospel Jazz Band is Curtis Price, John White and Taurus M. James. We had a great time jamming in our church ib Sundays and playing anywhere from local malls to Jazz Concerts around the US.
Take a look at some of the pictures we took at different gigs.
NOTE: The Picture Gallery is a Members-Only area.
All songs produced by The Upper Room
All songs © 2003, Taurus M. James. All Rights Reserved.
Original, Moody Instrumental Music, Gospel Jazz
The Upper Room: A Gospel Jazz Band (TUR) out of Ogden, Utah brings a unique sound blending Gospel, Jazz and Funk to give you music that lives! The trio's passion for Christ and music is demonstrated in their first studio recording project - Faith Walk.
NOTE: These are LOW-QUALITY music samples. Visit TaurusBeats.com to listen to the HIGH-QUALITY versions.