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Journey Tip: Communicate

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Image for Journey Tip: Communicate – Taurus M. James

Communicate like your life together depends on it.

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You have two ears and one mouth.

Listening is different from hearing. Listening is active and requires attention - or attending to the person communicating.

Practice listening with your eyes.

I mean no disrespect when I write this, but some of us need to learn sign language.

Seriously! The practice of attentively watching hands, facial expressions and body language for communication is something we can all benefit from.

Real Talk

Not the same old, blah blah blah talk. Real Talk.

Truth is, you and your spouse are communicating all the time - verbally and non-verbally.

Sometimes, NOT speaking says a lot. Talking a lot and saying nothing , says nothing at all.

This journey is filled with real issues that require real talk.

Talk With Your Spouse

You are a human being. Your spouse is, too.

Most of your communication will be about something one of you needs or wants.

Talk WITH your spouse, rather than "to" or "at" your spouse.

Communication is a two-way exchange and the mutual respect offered in talking "with" helps to ensure the message is received.

Use Your Words, Wisely

Words are powerful and inspire ideas and thoughts.

Learning how to use the right words at the right time for the right reason is wisely using your words.

Yeah, it's work - hard work - to control the tongue. But wisely using your words with your spouse on this journey can make all the difference in the world when it comes to moving forward.

You Will Do Whatever You Want To Do

Don't get it twisted. i don't write posts with some fantasy that people will like what I write or even read it.

I do this because I want to. While it is cool to get a response from someone. The opposite is fine with me, too.

My point is that we all do what we want to do. If you want to make this military lifestyle work with your spouse, you will.

What I am doing is sharing what I have learned along the way in my own journey.

I hope you make it to your destination with your marriage and your family n tact.

Leave A Tip!

If you want to put some money in my tip jar, I'll take it!

the best tip you can leave is one that helps another male military spouse navigate this journey better than you.

What's your best tip for a new civilian male military spouse? Let's chat in the comments!

Grace and Peace!


Taurus M. James Male Military SpouseTaurus James is the 2016 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year from Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  Taurus is a 20-year civilian male military spouse and stay-at-home-dad. He is also a minister and composer of Moody Instrumental Music. Taurus is a professional IT Consultant and Web Developer, and he built and maintains the Machospouse.com website. Find out more about Taurus through his blog:

"Faithwalk Music: Faith, Music and Life of a Moody Mental Musician"

Topics: journey tip communicate Taurus James



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