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A New Civilian Male Military Spouse Encounter with DEERS

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Image for A New Civilian Male Military Spouse Encounter with DEERS – Taurus M. James

As a civilian male military spouse, have you encountered DEERS yet?

Photo by Asa Rodger on Unsplash

What is DEERS for Military?

Okay, so, you are a new military spouse. Yay for you.

Now, one of the  first things you need to do is get into DEERS. The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) is the database of folks affiliated with the military in some way. This database has people all over the world who are entitled to military benefits like Tricare. Other important military benefits are tied to DEERS, not just Tricare. So, you want to make sure you are enrolled as soon as possible.

How do you get into DEERS?

The active duty service member is already in DEERS. Your spouse will have to be the one to setup the appointment to get you enrolled in DEERS. Even though you just married your spouse, you ain't a member yet. So, ask your spouse to get on that.

Here's a script to help you out.

At the height of honeymoon bliss...

You (in your sexy Barry White voice): "Hey Baby..."

Your spouse (in honeymoon voice): "Yes, my eternal love."

You: "How 'bout you hook me up with DEERS, so I can get my military dependent ID card, so I can drive to the commisary and get you some of them chocolate covered strawberries you like and some apple cider, so we can continue the celebration of our honeymoonin'." 


Don't do that.

What do you need for DEERS?

You and your spouse need to head on over to the Pass and ID office on base (Air Force), or any of the offices that handle the ID cards on your installation. You will need a copy of your marriage license, so make sure you have that. Also, take other personal identification like your social security card, driver's license and/or birth certificates.

If you have children, enroll them, too. Newborns are a special case. I found some information on How to Enroll A Newborn Child in DEERS.

How do I contact DEERS?

You can visit your personnel office or contact the Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office at 800-538-9552. You can find your nearest personnel office at: https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/rsl/.

If you need to speak to someone to update yourDEERS information, contact the DMDC/DEERS Support Office (DSO) at one of these numbers:

  • Worldwide: (800)538-9552
  • For hearing impaired: (866)363-2883
  • Via DSN (Defense Switched Network): 878-2856 (CONUS) 312-878-2856 (OCONUS)
  • Germany: (0800) 101-3161
  • Italy: (800) 783-784
  • United Kingdom: (0800) 587-1594
  • Korea: (00798) 1-4800-5570
  • Philippines: (1800) 1-114-1235
  • Japan: (0053) 112-0731

Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, excluding U.S. federal holidays, 5:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Pacific time (8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time). 

In most cases you can update information in DEERS online or through the Tricare website


Leave aTip!

What's your best tip for a new civilian male military spouse? Leave a tip in the comments!


Taurus M. James Male Military SpouseTaurus James is the 2016 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year from Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  Taurus is a 20-year civilian male military spouse and stay-at-home-dad. He is also a minister and composer of Moody Instrumental Music. Taurus is a professional IT Consultant and Web Developer, and he built and maintains the Machospouse.com website for free. Find out more about Taurus through his blog:

"Faithwalk Music: Faith, Music and Life of a Moody Instrumental Musician"

Topics: DEERS benefits enrollment Tricare



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